
HEALTH & safety

MetroPest® is committed to the prevention of injury and ill health, continual improvement in its OH&S management and performance and compliance with regulatory and other requirements.

The Goal of MetroPest® is to have accident and incident free places of work. Setting and reviewing OH&S objectives and targets and ensuring that responsibilities are communicated with the intent that individuals are made aware of their OH&S obligations

MetroPest® recognises its responsibilities and is committed to:

Provide a safe working environment and safe systems of work

 Provide safe plant, equipment, substances and articles so far as is practicable

Provide a safe means of storage, transportation, use and handling of any plant, equipment, substances, articles or processes provided by the organisation

Provide adequate welfare facilities taking into account all its legal and other requirements

Periodically review this policy to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the organisation

Provide information, training, instruction and supervision to enable work to be performed safely and efficiently

 Monitor and provide adequate resources to fund health and safety initiatives in pursuit of overall objectives

Continually monitor and review all aspects of health and safety and safe working practices

Consult with employees on health and safety matters

Employees have a duty to co-operate fully by:

Working safely and efficiently, in accordance with implemented safe systems of work

Attending and wholeheartedly taking part in any health, safety training deemed necessary by Metropest® and or relevant legislation

Reporting incidents that have led to, or may lead to, harm or damage

Assisting in the investigation of accidents and dangerous occurrences which may lead to the introduction of new improved procedures to prevent recurrence

Wholeheartedly embracing the commitment of MetroPest to provide a safe working environment

Attending all health and safety meetings and consultations to which they have been invited

Using personal protective equipment and safety devices provided

Using all provisions made for health and safety in the manner to which they are intended for

Management accepts the responsibility for ensuring that all information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure Health, safety and welfare at work for all employees and other people that may be affected by its activities, and encourage co-operation of all employees by discussion and consultation with them and their appointed representatives, to promote and develop measures to ensure Health and Safety at Work.

This policy is made available to interested parties.